fitness plan, fitness goals, health goals, weight goals, fitness management, Reconstruct PFT, Asheville, NC



The first thing that I, as a personal trainer, do with a new client is perform a myriad of assessments regarding physical health, daily activities and how a client’s body moves. I also explore with the client their reasoning behind wanting to change their fitness/health levels and the strategies to implement to assist in overcoming possible obstacles to success. Types of physical assessment that will be performed are movement assessments which involve the 5 kinetic check points of the human body. These being the ankle, knee, lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, shoulders and head/cervical spine. These assessments are vital so that a client doesn’t just go into a blindly designed workout regimen and risk possible injury due to improper form. Even if an injury isn’t sustained initially, the client is at risk for developing muscle memory of improper form which can be a catalyst for future pain and injury. The body may also develop compensations for imbalances and the lack of proper mobility to accomplish movements.  Assessments assist in determining whether muscle imbalances and/or the lack of proper mobility are present.  This is also of importance as it allows me to address the correct issue at hand. Once these assessments are interpreted, I am then able to properly design sound programming that addresses any areas needing correction.